What Does Success Mean to You?

How do you define your success? Is it internal-driven or external-driven?

Renu Khandelwal
5 min read6 days ago

Success is a word that evokes different images and meanings for different people.

Photo by Samuel Clara on Unsplash

Some people measure it by the wealth they accumulate, the fame they garner, or the power they acquire. Or is it something more intangible, a sense of accomplishment or personal fulfillment?

This blog explores my reflection and my newly found meaning of success, which is to live a fulfilling life. I would love to learn from your insight and experinces too!

There was a time when my definition of success was all about external accomplishments, like career achievements and material possessions. Then life threw a curve ball, and for me, that happened in early 2022. I landed in an Emergency room, struggling to breathe, and my oxygen levels dropped very low, with a high fever. It was a pivotal moment that forced me to reflect on my choices. It was in the midst of this challenge that I began to reflect on what was true success for me.

So, What Is Success?

Success is what truly matters to YOU and what aligns with your values and makes you feel fullfilled



Renu Khandelwal

A Technology Enthusiast who constantly seeks out new challenges by exploring cutting-edge technologies to make the world a better place!