Microservice Architecture Basics

A practical guide to Microservices Architecture basics, best practices, and a use case.

Renu Khandelwal
Towards Dev
Published in
6 min readNov 17, 2022


Here you will learn

  • What problem does Microservice plan to address?
  • What is a Microservice?
  • The key characteristic of Microservices
  • A step-by-step use case for designing a Microservice
  • Pros and Cons of Microservices
  • Best Practices for designing Microservices
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Why Microservices?

Before Microservices, applications followed a Monolithic pattern where processes like user interface, business logic, and data access were all tightly coupled and ran as a single unit of software. The application was developed and tested on the developer's laptop.

e-commerce application using Monolithic architecture

Challenges with Monolithic Architecture

  • They are a single technology platform; the entire application must be developed using a single language.
  • Challenging to deploy changes as the entire application needs to be tested before deploying any minor or major changes to production.
  • Difficulty Scaling, the entire monolithic application needs to be scaled to handle application spikes, making scaling difficult and costly. You may want to scale only the Orders, Inventory, Shopping, and Payment modules for an e-commerce application during the holiday season but with a Monolithic application entire application needs to be scaled, leading to inefficient usage of computing resources.

Microservice architecture addresses the challenges with Monolithic applications by building a collection of small, autonomous services implementing a single business capability within a bounded context, which is a natural division within a business domain.

Microservice Architecture or Microservice is a type of designing software application where the application can be separated and…



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